The Adventures of Peacefull

Photo Galleries

The photos are taken from around the world.  These photos are unique as they are from a clowns perspective of looking at the world rather than the other way around.  The albums depict a world journey and all the incredible people who were fellow travellers on the way.  Each person offered a hand of friendship that will never be forgotten.  We live in a safe world full of potential when we focus on the ‘good’ in this world rather than the negative.   The media depiction of the world is not the real world.  On this journey there was a media blackout as the perspective was to remain open and trusting of life.  This was a wise strategy.

This is a link to my free book ‘A Fool for Peace’.  Enjoy.

This book is free as my life is about freedom.  I give to live and it is my nature to share the truth of who I am.  May you feel inspired by the love of my life.

Below are links to all the albums:




India and Gandhi’s ashram



United Kingdom

United Kingdom

Clowning around on London Underground


Orkney Islands (sacred sites)



Clowning around Dublin

United States

United States (Chicago)

Clowning in Chicago

Central America

Mexico (Cancun)

Sacred site Talum

Sacred site Chichen Itza



El Salvador

El Salvador to Costa Rica

San Jose to Santa Elena

Santa Elena Cloud Forest (Global Biodiverse area)

Santa Elena Friends Talent Night

Clowning at Friends School, Santa Elena

Clowning, International Day of Peace, Santa Elena

South America

San Jose to Miami

Peru, Lima

Peru, Arequipa

Peru, Arequipa, clowning in a school

Peru, Cusco, Machu Pichu

Peru, Cusco, clowning

Bolivia, La Paz, Wedding

Bolivia, La Paz, clowning

Argentina, travelling

Argentina, Buenos Aires

Argentina, Buenos Aires, Clowning

Argentina, Bariloche

Argentina, Meliquina

Bariloche to  San Martin

Argentina to Chile

Chile, Santiago 

New Zealand

Chile to New Zealand

New Zealand, Auckland, ‘Earth from Above’ Environmental Exhibition

New Zealand, Auckland, Children’s Voices for Peace

Melbourne, Lentils As Anything, Sharing about the World trip



Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi

“Nonviolence is a weapon of the strong”

Random video from the Gallery

Gandhi Ashram
