The Adventures of Peacefull

Home Page

Clowning my way around the world


This site has been set up to document my journey around the world as a peace clown/educator.


On this site you will find My Journal documenting every stage of my journey, a photographic diary in the Photo Gallery, and you will also find a Video Gallery which will also contain a record of the adventure.


I will be setting out from Melbourne in Victoria, Australia in June 2010 and expect to have much to report on, in the ensuing months.


Poetry: A Peace-full Philosophical Anthology,  By Susan Carew (AKA Peacefull)
Peacefull Poetry.pdf  1.02MB


Well I am back home in Australia now
 and I have added the final map below to let you know where I consider home to be, now that I have been around the world and interacted with the many beautiful people I met along the way.
A big thank you to all my new friends for making the journey such a pleasant and memorable experience. I also thank Bob for making this blog possible, without him I would not be able to communicate this incredible journey.




Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi

“Only as high as I reach can I grow, only as far as I seek can I go, only as deep as I look can I see, only as much as I dream can I be.”

Random video from the Gallery

Clowning around the world for peace
