The Adventures of Peacefull

4-5 September, Chicago to Mexico, Cancun

Flew across the United States. The mid west is flat and very rich. Apparently that fertility is because of the prairie grasses decomposing into the soils. There were no mountains to be seen but the water seemed evident. Many rivers meandering and some quite large, given I was at 38,000 feet.

Once the flight go to the Atlantic it turned south and headed down past New York, past Florida and over the Gulf of Mexico. I was looking for oil and was aware that planes were not allowed to fly over the spill but I am sure I saw some oil in the water.

As I flew in over México I was stunned to see long white beaches, the sea looked a beautiful turquoise green. Then I saw the forest and this was for me the most beautiful sight. Endless tracks of forest with no access roads. I deeply wanted to see nature unaffected by human beings. I really wanted to see what it looks out without human intervention. Well it just went on and on until we came up on the airport. It was really interesting.

Got off the plane and went to Customs. I was thinking about what my experience would be like here. At some point later I felt tears well up, I got the distinct feeling I am meant to be here.

When I got out of the airport and found the local bus. I looked at a brochure and saw Chichen Itza and the tears came, it was strong. I definitely go the same feeling I got when at the Gandhi ashram in India. This surprised me. I had tears in my eyes and again, had to try not to let people see I am crying.

I go to the bus station downtown Cancun and waited around 30-40 minutes. Leon turned up in a Mexican hat. We caught a taxi and he showed me my room. It was a little square styled dwelling in a complex of dwellings with security. It is a two bedroom unit with basics. It would be middle class. He has two Mayan masks over the rooms for protection and a red Chinese symbol for luck. Thankfully with this humid heat (phew) he has a breeze coming through which is a relief and keeps the heat down. There is a little turtle swimming in the bowl. Apparently one of his students gave it to him. It is swimming around I guess it wants to get out.

He invited me to a couch surfing party but I was too tired. It was a shame I would have loved it. I have been continuously tired and have done much over two months. So I decided to have a good sleep. I am on a blow up bed and noticed it is coming down. But its fine overall. Leon is a nice guy full of smiles and believes in god. He has been on couch surfing for 4 years. He said they are a brotherhood and look after each other. The CS network is a philosophy of friendship and goodwill inter-culturally. He did indicate there was some class divisions in some of the hosts. That unfortunately is a reality in all societies. All you can do is extend your hand and if they choose to come to the party they will.

Had a good sleep, I have spent the day sleeping and looking into Celtic mythology. I think there are links between the pyramids, sacred stones and pyramids here in central/south America. So trying to educate myself a bit.

Computer is playing up so touch wood it will be okay. The battery is going flat so many electrical supplies and I notice the battery is not charging.

Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi

“God has no religion”

Random video from the Gallery

Clowning around the world for peace
