The Adventures of Peacefull

Central America, September 2010

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Costa Rica

1.Peacefull interviews disadvantaged kids
2.Peacefull teaching funny walks
3.Peacefull conducts laughter workshop
4.Peacefull with humming birds
5.Peacefull clown a poet in the forest

6.Peacefull teaching peace to kinda kids
7.Peacefull teaching peace, Grades 4-6
8.Peacefull teaching peace to Grade 11
9-10.Former soldier forgotten war


1-4.Peacefull at sacred site Chichen Itza
5.Peacefull at Talum sacred site, Mexico

6.Peacefull flying to Mexico, Cancun
7.Peacefull flying US to Mexico clouds

Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi

“You must be the change you wish to see in the world.”

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Peace Activist / Poet London
